Chemical formula: D2O
Molecular weight: 20.0275
Melting point: 3.81 ℃
Boiling point: 101.4 ℃
Water solubility: soluble
Density: 1.105 g/cm ³
Appearance: Colorless liquid at room temperature
Flash point: 101.4 ℃
Applications: Nuclear reactors, chemical reagents
Security Description: S24/25
Hazard description: Not to be disclosed – for consumption
Gas Introduction
Deuterium oxide is a compound composed of deuterium and oxygen, also known as deuterium oxide. Its molecular formula is D2O, with a relative molecular weight of 20.0275, which is about 11% higher than the relative molecular weight of water (H2O), which is 18.0153. It also has a higher density than ordinary water, hence it is called heavy water. Due to the fact that deuterium and hydrogen belong to the same element and have very little difference in chemical properties, heavy water and ordinary water also have very similar chemical properties,. In natural water, the content of heavy water is about 0.02%. The electrolysis rate of heavy water is lower than that of ordinary water, and it can be extracted from water by electrolysis. There is a certain difference in boiling point between heavy water and ordinary water, so it can also be purified by distillation.